Digital Millennium Copyright Act

The Digital Millennium Copyright Act (DMCA) is a United States copyright law that implements two 1996 treaties of the World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO). Passed on October 12, 1998, the DMCA amended Title 17 of the United States Code to extend the reach of copyright, while limiting the liability of the providers of online services for copyright infringement by their users.

We always give credit to the right owner and follow DMCA and Section 107. We use little bit piece for educational purposes only  review that content. 

 If we Have added some content that belong to you or your organization by mistake, We are sorry for that. We apologize for that and assure you that this wont be repeated in future. If you are rightful owner of the content used in our Website, Please mail us with your Name, Organization Name, Contact Details, Copyright infringing URL and Copyright Proof (URL or Legal Document) at 

I assure you that, I will remove the infringing content Within 12 Hours